AdExchanger: SWAN Vs. SWAN: The Differences Between The Two 3P Cookie Alternative Proposals

There are now two different post third-party cookie proposals dubbed SWAN, in addition to COWBIRD, Dovekey, FLEDGE, FLoC, Gnatcatcher, MURRE, PARAKEET, PARRROT, PELICAN, SPARROW, SPURFOWL, TEETAR, TERN and TURTLEDOVE. (Yes, these are all real bird types).
One SWAN exists within the Chrome Privacy Sandbox and the second, released for public comment last week, aims to serve as an alternative to the Privacy Sandbox itself.
The two SWANs have nothing in common other than their acronym – a coincidence – and that they were both hatched in reaction to Google’s forthcoming phaseout of third-party cookies.
This article is a PSA to alert you of that fact and to explain what they are and how they differ.
April 5, 2021